Trevor Platt Science Foundation

ONWARD international training course on monitoring water quality
The ONWARD (Open Network on Water-Related Diseases) project is organising an international training course on monitoring water quality using remote sensing and geospatial analyses for human health.Climate variability and change, occurrences of extreme weather events...

World water day webinar by Dr. Priscila Lange on harmful algal blooms in Rio de Janeiro (Brazil)
This year’s World Water Day theme was “making the invisible visible”. The reference was to groundwater, but TPSF first webinar focused in another naked-eye invisible water-related element that occasionally becomes very much visible. Priscila Lange, visiting professor...

Osvaldo Ulloa, Member of the Trevor Platt Science Foundation, dives down to over 8000 m in the Atacama Trench in the South Pacific
Osvaldo Ulloa and Victor Vescovo after the first ever human dive to the depths of the Atacama trench in the South Pacific. In January 20, 2022, microbial oceanographer Dr. Osvaldo Ulloa, director of the Millennium Institute of Oceanography, at Concepcion University in...

Dr. Shubha Sathyendranath, PML Merit Remote Sensing Scientist, receives A.G. Huntsman Award
The A.G. Huntsman Foundation announced that the 2021 A.G. Huntsman Medal will be awarded to Dr. Shubha Sathyendranath in recognition of her outstanding research achievements in the development of the use of optics and satellites in marine science as well as her...