TREVOR Symposium 2023

Poster Presentation Guide

You will be notified of your poster session’s day in advance of the meeting, and you are expected to be available to present your poster during your designated poster session. 

TREVOR Symposium 2023

Preparing your poster 

  • The presentation must cover the material as cited in your abstract.
  • Place the title of your abstract prominently at the top of the poster board to allow viewers to identify your work. 
  • Highlight the authors’ names, e-mails, and affiliation information in case the viewer is interested in contacting you for more information.
  • All diagrams and charts must be neat and legible. Paragraph and figure caption text should be AT LEAST 24-point font (0.9 cm height) and headers AT LEAST 36-point font (1.2 cm height).
  • Use different colours and textures/symbols for each line or bar contained in your graph or chart. A serif font (e.g., Times) is often easier for reading main text, and a non-serif font (e.g., Arial or Helvetica) for headers and figure labels.
  • Organise the work on the poster so it is clear, orderly, and self-explanatory. Feel free to display your information in figures, tables, text, photographs, etc.
  • Avoid cluttering your poster with too much text. Label different elements as I, II, III; or 1, 2, 3; or A, B, C, making it easier for a viewer to follow your display.
  • Include the background of your research followed by results and conclusions. A successful poster presentation depends on how well you convey information to an interested audience.
  • Don’t forget to acknowledge sources of funding for the work and/or your participation in the meeting.
  • Save your poster as a PDF.

Posters prepared for the TREVOR Symposium must be portrait-oriented, no bigger than A0 – 841 mm (width) x 1189 mm (height).

TREVOR Symposium 2023

Printing Your Poster

  • You may print your poster and bring it with you, or you may have your poster printed locally.

On-site printing options:

TREVOR Symposium 2023

Poster Set-up and Tear-down

  • Poster presenters are asked to adhere to designated set-up and tear-down instructions and times.

On the day, there will be a designated poster area with boards set up.  You will have a numbered board assigned for your poster, please attach your poster to the board in the morning (preferably) or during the lunch break.  

There will be volunteers in the poster area to direct you to your poster space and provide double-sided tape to put your poster up.  

Posters will be removed from the poster area at the end of each day, so please remove your poster after the relevant session else it will be removed and disposed of.

Symposium 2023


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